Dangerous Treasons: Plots, Rebellions and Intrigue in the Reign of Charles II By Julian Whitehead


First of all I would like to thank Alex at Pen and Sword Books for being so kind and sending me a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. This book was first published in 2017 and was written by Julian Whitehead. This books centres on (official blurb): “Charles II’s father was executed, his brother James managed to stay on the throne for only four years, yet Charles died in his bed having ruled for a quarter of a century. Although welcomed back as king in 1660, the honeymoon of the Restoration soon passed with plots and uprisings to follow. Dangerous Treasons describes the sinister and murky world of espionage, plots and treason in the Restoration period, with former intelligence officer and security adviser Julian Whitehead telling the darker side of the Merry Monarch’s reign. Charles survived plots and rebellions with a mixture of guile, espionage, propaganda, covert operations and military oppression. Conspiracy and sedition are revealed in places as different as the glittering extravagance of the Court with its scheming mistresses and power hungry aristocrats to back street taverns frequented by rogues and rebels. Welcome to a world of spies, kidnap, assassination, censorship, false witness, and judicial murder.”

This book as a whole covers the various plots, rebellions and intrigue that occurred during the reign of Charles II. When reading this book I most definitely learnt a lot more about this period of history that I didn’t previously know. This book was a well-written, well-researched, informative read and was extremely entertaining which is so refreshing for a history non-fiction book.

Throughout this book you meet quite a various array of historical figures and each and everyone of them were brilliant and utterly fascinating. As a whole this book provided array of important information including political upheaval, various events and circumstances that had occurred throughout the reign of Charles II.

Overall, I would most definitely recommend this book to anyone and everyone who is interest in this period of history and the various historical figures that lived during this time period.


The edition was published by Pen and Sword History (2017)

(The Image is my own please do not copy/take without permission first)

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